Deepu K Sasidharan
- Open-source software aficionado and a technology advocate by passion & profession
- Co-chair of JHipster, the best development platform in the world 😸
- Creator of KDash, a Terminal dashboard for Kubernetes written in Rust 🚀
- Creator of JWT UI, a Terminal UI for decoding/encoding JSON Web Tokens 🚀
- Creator of JDL Studio, JHipster React, JHipster Blueprints, and JHipster Entity Audit
- Staff Developer Advocate at Auth0 by Okta. Alumni of Adyen, TCS and XebiaLabs 💵
- Java Champion ☕
- Polyglot developer mainly working with Java, Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, and Kotlin. Dabbling with few other languages occasionally.
- Cloud & Container technology enthusiast and advocate
- Published author, international conference speaker, and an avid blogger
- Passionate about developer experience and user experience
- Love Astronomy, Motorbikes, Coding and Robotics
Latest Book
Latest Blog Post
A Passwordless Future: Passkeys for Java Developers
Learn how to get started with passkeys for your Java and Spring Boot applications.
Some OSS Projects I Work On
A rapid application development platform for modern Java web applications
A Kubernetes dashboard written in Rust
JDL Studio
An awesome online JDL editor and visualizer
A Terminal UI for decoding/encoding JSON Web Tokens
JHipster Entity Audit Generator
A yeoman generator to enable entity audit in JHipster generated apps
JHipster Bootswatch Theme Generator
Add Bootswatch themes in JHipster apps
JHipster Registry
Service Registry, based on Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka and Spring Cloud Config
UML Diagram Generator
UML Diagram Generator based on PlantUML.
Upcoming Events
- Conf42 DevSecOps 2024 (Virtual) - December 5, 2024
- Mastering Kubernetes Security: From Containers to Cluster Fortresses
- JFokus (Stockholm, Sweden) - February 3-5, 2025
- Voxxeddays Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - April 3, 2025