
Avoiding Memory Leaks in NodeJS: Best Practices for Performance

Avoiding Memory Leaks in NodeJS: Best Practices for Performance
Deepu K Sasidharan Deepu K Sasidharan| | 1 min read |

This is a post by me originally published in AppSignal blog as a guest author. This is just a excerpt from the same.

Memory leaks are something every developer has to eventually face. They are common in most languages, even if the language automatically manages memory for you. Memory leaks can result in problems such as application slowdowns, crashes, high latency, and so on.

In this blog post, we will look at what memory leaks are and how you can avoid them in your NodeJS application. Though this is more focused on NodeJS, it should generally apply to JavaScript and TypeScript as well. Avoiding memory leaks helps your application use resources efficiently and it also has performance benefits.

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Cover image credit: AppSignal

Post 6 of 6 in series "Memory Management".