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How to set up Java microservices with Istio service mesh on Kubernetes

How to set up Java microservices with Istio service mesh on Kubernetes

How to set up JHipster microservices with Istio service mesh on Kubernetes and deploy to AKS or GKE

My VS Code setup - Making the most out of VS Code

My VS Code setup - Making the most out of VS Code

How I have configured VS Code to make the most out of it for development.

My reflections on Golang

My reflections on Golang

After using Go for more than 9 months, here is what I think of it

Configure a beautiful terminal on Unix with Zsh

Configure a beautiful terminal on Unix with Zsh

See how you can configure a beautiful terminal on Unix with Zsh and Oh-My-Zsh

Must have GNOME extensions

Must have GNOME extensions

A list of awesome extensions you must have on GNOME Desktop

My beautiful Linux development environment

My beautiful Linux development environment

My GNU/Linux development machine explained